4 Tips to make your New Year healthier
Twenty sixteen is finally over, (who else felt like it was the longest, and hardest year yet?!) Good riddance! I was recently inspired...

A vegan thanksgiving: recipes and tips
A vegan thanksgiving. What?! No Turkey? How is it even Thanksgiving without the Turkey? Well as long as there are mashed potatoes and...

nature is my guru: recipes for camping
Not sure what to bring for a camping trip that fuels your energy, is easily accessible, and non-perishable? This post is in conjunction...

Nourish your Heart
One of my favorite chakras, with what seems like endless possibilities for recipes, is the Heart chakra. As we work our way up the...

Ignite your core Recipe
Next stop on our chakra journey is the Solar Plexus; also known as Manipura. The associated color with this chakra is yellow, and...

Flow and Create Recipe
Get creative and go with the flow - try this new recipe today! Continuing our food journey by way of the Chakras, we arrive at the...