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Retreat Review: Morocco

What did you take away from your journey to Morocco?

"SO MANY THINGS!  For me the trip was very much about starting over.  I went on another retreat last year with Dani and was not in a great place in my life.  On this trip, it was so nice to take a look at the same themes (based on the chakras) and see how I'd changed.  And now that I'm in a better, happier place emotionally, really recognizing that I'm ready for whatever comes next. Through the discussions I'd hear wonderful, amazingly talented women talk about their insecurities, body image, guilt and other weight holding them down.  All of our responses were "are you crazy? look how awesome you are!!", then, through discussions and journaling, trying to make the choice to talk to myself the same way I'd talk to a friend.  Negative self talk affects everyone, but hearing other women bravely talk about their experiences and being reminded to practice self love was really impactful."

-Megan Shockley

"Our trip to Morocco was magical.  Our group discussions were really amazing.  I think our group size of 11 total people was perfect!  It was really powerful to hear other people’s struggles and to feel that I could rely on others to help myself. "

-Melissa Paterakis

Describe your favorite memory on the retreat:

"All of us riding camels in a line in the desert, working together to negotiate prices in the souks, watching the sun come up as we practiced yoga in the desert, practicing in the sunlight on the roof of the Riad, sunset wine by the bonfires in the desert while we chatted and joked with each other.  But, if I had to pick one thing, it was waking up before dawn on the last day of the trip - which also happened to be my birthday, and also happened to be a day about "rebirth" - and going on a hot air balloon ride.  I was with one of my dearest friends, as well as two new friends from the trip.  We saw the sun come up over the mountains from the air.  It was such a breathtaking experience - appreciating how big and beautiful this earth is, and feeling so grateful to be able to experience something so amazing with such wonderful people."

-Megan Shockley

"There were so many incredible moments!  It’s difficult to chose just one. Riding in a hot air balloon at sunrise was an out of body experience.  It was so serene and special! It was also incredible to have Anna there to document our experience!"

-Melissa Paterakis"

What surprised you the most about your adventure?

"I was pleasantly surprised by how close everyone got.  Everyone really opened up and the group gelled together in a way that made discussions deeper and everything just so incredibly fun.  I love the idea of being able to travel "alone" as a woman with a group like this and end up with new friends!"

-Megan Shockley

"I was surprised at how strong my yoga practice was! I traveled with some friends.  I expected that my friendships with them would strengthen, but I was surprised that I met so many new friends!"

-Melissa Paterakis


I am ready to start anew, let go of the things I cannot control, and choose joy!!! -Megan Shockley

I AM: centered.  This place, this feeling of being centered, is always available for me to return to. -Melissa Paterakis


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